Everyone in NYC wants to be a star in some ferociously competitive industry, like finance, entertainment, fashion. Every waiter wants to be a rock musician or top chef or something. Everyone’s very ambitious, yet the elites turn out to be old, white, male, tall, and business-y.
As an ambitious, driven person, the NYC atmosphere suited me better than Chicago, where I lived for the first 3 years after college. Chicago is a great city, but it’s definitely Midwest. People get married at age 23 and live super balanced, normal lives. They leave work at reasonable hours to go hang out at sporting events. Not feeling compelled to get married or settle down anytime soon, I sometimes felt out of place in Chicago.
Californians are as ambitious as New Yorkers, but in a more gadgety, nerdy way. Everyone seems to genuinely believe their new app is going to save the world, whereas most New Yorkers don’t seem to consider that when they talk about their work. Unlike in NYC, the successful Bay area people are nerdy, young, and not always white, male, or tall. I am nerdy, young, Asian, female, and average height. No wonder I keep going back to the Bay!
Here’s some photos of new places we hadn’t gone to before: French Laundry, Muir woods, Napa, Sonoma.
If you have a chance get SugarCots (tiny apricots) from the whole foods in Mountain View. They are amazing.
Thanks for the tip! I love apricots.
Thanks for the tip! I love apricots
If you have a chance get SugarCots (tiny apricots) from the whole foods in Mountain View. They are amazing.
You are the average of your closest five friends.
Thanks for the tip! I love apricots
If you have a chance get SugarCots (tiny apricots) from the whole foods in Mountain View. They are amazing.